A Digital Performance Audit

A turn-key solution based on data driven insights, using human- and artificial intelligence.


Three Digital Performance Audit types

An audit is a powerful control tool. Audits can test and review the quality of processes, performances, the integrity & accountability of the supply chain, as well as the safety & security of your (digital) infrastructure & assets. An audit is a good way to check and demonstrate if certain investments meet with and/ or validate:

a) industry standards,
b) contract compliance,
c) benchmarks (competitive, historic, safety etc.)
d) investment transparency & integrity
e) site performance

Site Audit Performance & Tech

How healthy is your website? From SEO to security. We take a look at the pre-agreed areas of review and deliver an actionable report.

Supply Chain Audit Media & Tech

A full review of your media & advertising supply chain, incl. the tech stack. We discuss the specific SOW case by case and deploy AI where feasible.

Ad Investments AI Driven Audit

Unique IP, our AI driven tech, reviewing ad investments & performance. Tech combined with human intelligence delivering unparalleled insights.

What set’s us a part?

An analogy; if Live Insights & Tracking could be best compared with a 8K movie, a FunnelsAtWork Digital Audit could best be compared with an ultra high resolution photo. With unrivaled zoom-in options. Once the next steps of the audit are identified, FunnelsAtWork is able to use such a high resolution photo, as the starting frame of the tracking dashboard. Enabling our customers to put in play an excellent control center to track and monitor the audit follow-up.