Vendor Selection & Management

A turn-key solution based on data driven insights, using human- and artificial intelligence.
Strategy and Customer Journey Architecture & Implementation. Our ultimate objective: Your success!

Pitches, Tenders & Operational Compliance

Select & Manage your Advertising & Funnels

Media Vendor management is the process of selecting, overseeing and managing relationships with external suppliers or vendors that provide services and advertising space. The goal of our vendor management program is to select suppliers and manage those vendors in order to ensure that vendors are delivering the agreed-upon services in a timely, cost-effective, and high-quality manner.

Vendor management can involve a range of activities, including:

The FunnelsAtWork Performance Vendor Management program will help your organization to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure that it is receiving the best value for its money. We reduce risk and improve transparency by deploying our proprietary tooling, to review that vendors are meeting their contractual obligations and comply with relevant regulations and standards.

Vendor Selection & Management

We have three types of (partial) BPO services

BPO, allow yourself to reduce some workload and concentrate on other core aspects of your business, while letting the experts do what they do best. Work for you. FunnelsAtWork can support you in 3 areas:

Performance Strategy

Performance management can improve your ROI significantly. An integrated approach to helping advertisers set & achieve MarCom objectives while monitoring and improving the performance.

Vendor Selection

Our pitches look past surface-level sales talk and marketing gimmicks to see what vendors really have to offer. A supply chain & tech stack that matches the MarCom strategy. Improving quality, prices, process & ROI.

Vendor Management

Supporting you to manage your supply chain. It’s all about motivating teams, while managing contract compliance & performance. Our support, managing your insights derived form our FunnelsAtWork Performance tracking activities.

Vendor selection

Our tender process is developed to have prospective vendors presenting a proposal or sales pitch to you as a potential customer or client. It involves the prospective vendors researching and understanding the needs and requirements of you as their potential customer, developing a plan to address those needs, and presenting that plan in a way that is compelling and persuasive. We will work together with you to create a solid RFP. Our focus is to create a fair balance between your requirements while also safeguarding the vendor interests, by not over-asking. FunnelsAtWork will protect the brand owner & vendor interests and warrants a level playing field.
Effective pitch management will help your company to transparently re-validate current vendors and/ or select new partners. Decisions are data and fact driven and FunnelsAtWork supports you with our turn-key decision making solutions
